Flexscripts Administrators


In 90% of Cases the PBM is Underperforming compared to their Contract Guarantees.

Flexscripts Administrators


94% of Clients NEVER Audit their PBM!

Flexscripts Administrators


50% of Specialty Drugs are Processed through the Medical side. FlexScripts Provides Cost Oversight Regardless of Channel.

Have you Ever Audited Your PBM? Negotiating contracts, optimizing formularies, providing independent clinical solutions & cost saving strategies assures our clients the most competitive PBM pricing.

Flexscripts Administrators


First Year Contract Savings.

Flexscripts Administrators

20 - 25%

Clinical Savings & Formulary Optimization.

Flexscripts Administrators

15 - 20%

Savings Through PAP (Patient Advocacy Programs) Copay Cards & International.

 As a Pharmacy Benefit Administrator, FlexScripts audits our clients annually to ensure the PBM is meeting their guarantees

Ask us about our solutions for managing specialty, Including J-Codes filled through the medical side.

Ask us about our no cost "PBM Checkup Report."

10-15% Savings

PBM Contract Guarantees

5-10% Savings

PBM Audit

25% Savings

Specialty Advocacy Programs

20-25% Savings

International Pharmacy & Co-Pay Assistance Programs

5-7% Savings

Formulary Management

3-5% Savings

Prior Authorizations

10% Savings

Infusions (J-Code) Solutions

15-20% Savings

RFP - Market Intelligence

2-5% Savings

Plan Design Optimization

News & Updates

Recent news, hot topics, and noteworthy happenings.

FlexScripts Reboots Website

FlexScripts Administrators is inviting visitors to explore its new website, flexscripts.com. “The redesign is the first phase of our effort to make our site a useful tool for brokers and employers,” said CEO/President Rob Bigalke...

Trends in Compound Pharmacy

Compounding pharmacy is a practice in pharmacy that specializes in creating drugs by mixing various ingredients. It has been the dominant way of creating medicines for hundreds of years and was only replaced by mass-produced drugs 50 years ago when 60% of all...

Making a Case for Carve-Out

FlexScripts Administrators is very supportive of integrated health plans. Our goal has always been—and will continue to be—to manage the pharmacy benefit to encourage appropriate utilization and compliance of medications. Carving out the prescription medication...